Your newsletter speaks volumes about your company’s image and your capabilities. It is very imperative that its content is complemented with great design and content; otherwise, your target audience will not be enticed to pick up a copy and read your newsletter. A professional design studio’s expertise is essential in assembling your newsletter in such a way to accurately depict your company and at the same time attract your target niche.
An effective way to strengthen brand awareness is through the distribution of newsletters – whether it be published or emailed (e-newsletters). Generally, companies that offer unique or specialized products and services publish newsletters and use these to create awareness about the benefits that these products and services provide. Another purpose is to provide updates about improvements or additional offers. Medical professionals, federal government health officials, fitness and wellness coaches, yoga studio owners, and medical and health store owners are a few of those who send out newsletters on a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis.
Sending e-newsletters is a way to “keep in touch” with your customers. Emailing articles, announcements, free resources, related products, new products, or free upgrades is a great way to pique your reader’s interest. You can also improve or strengthen your reputation as an expert through articles that talk about current developments in your field, updates, technical issues, your experiences, and opinions. In addition, you can utilize e-newsletters to increase your website’s traffic. Provide a link to your website and direct your reader to the page containing the article in your e-newsletter.
An effective newsletter can increase the loyalty of your current customers; while at the same time attracting new ones. In deciding whether to produce your newsletters in-house or to invest in professional graphic design services, please consider the following:
• Visual appeal is an important element of your newsletter’s success. Your newsletter may have very interesting and relevant content, but this will not matter unless your design can effectively capture your target reader’s interest. Hiring an expert will ensure that the right design is chosen for your newsletter.
• What can a professional design studio offer? A lot, actually. The right composition, color combination, layout, typography, and images – all of which need to be blended perfectly to grab an individual’s attention and move them to read your newsletter. In addition to influencing your target audience to read through your content, your newsletter’s design is also an instrument to reflect your brand image.
• Different industries will require different designs. The popular notion is that individuals within a company will know the company best and will be able to create a design that will most accurately depict the brand or company’s image. Contrary to popular notion, in most cases this is not true. A professional graphic designer can offer different design options beyond the typical “inside the box” ideas that may result from in-house creations.
Hiring a professional will also prove to be more efficient in terms of time and resources. Since design is their expertise, expect a professional design studio to deliver your newsletter on time and with enhanced design ideas. Imagine what you and your team can do and how long it might take to brainstorm, research, create drafts, deliberate, make modifications, and deliberate again. The process will be a long and tedious one for your staff. By deciding to hire an expert, you can discuss what your objectives and design preferences are, provide your company details and content, set a deadline, and leave all the work to them as you focus on the more important details of your business that need your attention.
You can rely on New Design Group to provide you with a superbly designed newsletter and a strategy to effectively capture your target market. If you are contemplating on whether to publish your newsletter or send it by email, NewDesignGroup will be able to give you their expert advice. Our team constantly asks this question, “What will people LOVE?” – keeping your clients in mind whenever we work on projects. We go beyond design creation. We take the time to know your business and your clients and tailor-fit our design and strategy to help your business succeed. When deciding whether to hire a professional graphic design studio or not, decide to hire. And hire us.
Michelle Rubio, Copyright New Design Group Inc.