Our client / GreenEco
GreenEco™ Co. Ltd. Imports and distributes high quality bioresin blends for use in the manufacture of certified compostable single-use consumer items. In its joint venture arrangement with Jiangsu Orange Biodegradable Co Ltd. GreenEco holds exclusive North American distribution rights to OrangeBio bioresin products.
The founders of GreenEco™, share an abiding concern about the impact of petroleum-based plastics on environmental pollution and climate instability on our planet. They are particularly concerned about worldwide use of plastics in single-use items such as:
• shopping bags
• produce bags
• bin liners
• take-out food containers, drink cups, straws
• 3D printing filaments
• many other areas of modern life
Petroleum-based plastic items like these are not disposable. Users can only properly dispose of them in appropriate refuse containers. But where do those items go once they leave the user? They go to landfill and dumps, if the appropriate facilities exist in a given location. Eventually, much of this discarded plastic finds its way into the oceans.
When we met them, GreenEco’s founders were hard at work to help change the meaning of “disposable” from “throw away” to “compostable, biodegradable, and pollution-free”. GreenEco’s patented bioresin blends are formulated to impart advanced features to specific types of finished products.