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9 things to do when SEO is great but sales and leads are terrible

Discover effective techniques for transforming SEO traffic into conversions, encompassing improvements in user experience (UX), conducting A/B tests, harnessing the power of social proof, and much more.

Your website is finely tuned for search engines, attracting a substantial flow of top-tier traffic. However, despite this surge in visitors, your sales and lead generation efforts continue to underperform, leaving you feeling frustrated.

The great news is that there are actionable strategies at your disposal to convert this traffic into paying customers. This article delves into nine well-established methods that will guide you in the art of transforming SEO-driven traffic into successful sales and valuable leads.

Enhance Your Website’s User Experience (UX)

The interplay between UX and SEO has been a long-discussed topic, yet many websites still neglect the critical aspect of improving UX. Here are some pivotal areas to concentrate on:

It’s crucial to subject your website’s user experience to impartial testing. While you may be well-acquainted with the intricacies of your site and sales funnel, your users are not. Continuously assess, fine-tune, and retest. As visitor behavior evolves over time, revisiting your tests becomes imperative for sustained improvement.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Now that you’ve amassed traffic, it’s time to focus on generating sales. Assessing your conversion rate (CVR) is pivotal. For instance, if you operate an e-commerce site and maintain a CVR of 2.3% or higher, you’re performing admirably.

To optimize this critical metric, delve into key sections of your website:

Neglecting to optimize your pages for conversions can result in SEO-generated traffic that fails to translate into actual conversions, and addressing this issue is paramount.

Optimize the first two actions on content pages that don’t target the right keywords

Maximize the impact of your educational content by optimizing the initial two steps on pages that aren’t effectively targeting the desired keywords. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Concentrate your efforts on the first two actions within your blog posts.
  2. Experiment by updating the most visited pages.

For instance, consider adding a prominent “Demo” button at the top of your blog post with a compelling call to action, or showcase a demo video right at the beginning.

Converting traffic into sales through educational content is achievable, and it might be as straightforward as giving special attention to these two key actions within your page.

Improve content quality and relevance

Established businesses often accumulate numerous blog posts over time, many of which remain unreviewed and outdated.

What was once deemed relevant and high-quality content may no longer meet today’s standards.

It’s essential to conduct an inventory of your articles, beginning with those that receive the most traffic, and initiate a comprehensive audit.

Ask yourself:

If you decide to remove older content, explore opportunities to redirect users to other content assets that are not only of higher quality but also relevant to their needs.

Analyze and utilize data to improve sales

Data becomes truly valuable when you analyze it and apply it to enhance your sales performance. Your data sources may encompass:

  1. Analytics
  2. Server logs
  3. Heatmaps

Suppose you start examining server logs and notice a surge in 404 errors occurring on your checkout page. This discovery could explain your dwindling conversion rates, necessitating a deeper investigation into these issues.

For instance, if you utilize a heatmap on your website, you might observe that the majority of visitors are focusing on the right side of the page, while your Call to Action (CTA) is placed on the left side.

Leverage this wealth of data to identify where visitors encounter obstacles in your sales funnel and proactively implement changes to rectify these issues.

Boost trust and credibility outside of social proof

While social proof is undeniably influential (we’ll delve into that shortly), there are several additional strategies to enhance trust and credibility. Consider implementing the following:

  1. Display your professional license number prominently.
  2. Provide clear warranty or guarantee information.
  3. Showcase logos and details of your professional memberships or associations.
  4. Highlight any awards or recognitions your business has received.
  5. Include links to news articles or publications where you have been featured.

Every industry possesses its unique methods for establishing trust and credibility. For instance, a law firm can demonstrate its credibility through affiliations with bar associations, impressive awards, successful settlements, and other data that reaffirm their status as a trusted business.

Focus on local SEO (when applicable)

Brick-and-mortar businesses often witness a decline in sales and leads when they overlook the importance of local SEO.

Local SEO employs a targeted and strategic approach to enhance a business’s visibility within Google’s local search results.

For instance, a sushi restaurant in Los Angeles with a website emphasizing broad keywords like “sushi restaurant” or “sushi restaurants in California” may face challenges such as:

  1. Difficulty in ranking due to intense competition.
  2. Struggling to reach their intended audience.

In this case, it would be more beneficial for the restaurant to concentrate on keywords like “sushi restaurant in LA” or even “sushi restaurant in Glendale.” These keywords are likely to be easier to rank for and would effectively connect them with their target demographic.

Furthermore, there are other methods to bolster local SEO, such as:

Local SEO plays a pivotal role in ensuring that when local customers search for your business, they can easily find your website.

Leverage A/B testing to maximize conversions

A/B testing serves as a powerful tool for enhancing conversion rate optimization (CRO). Its primary objective is to compare two versions of a webpage to determine which one yields a higher conversion rate.

Even seemingly minor alterations, such as tweaking your copy or changing the color of a button, can have a significant impact on conversion rates.

Through A/B testing, you can explore diverse variations of your web pages, identify the top-performing version, and maximize your conversions.

It’s important to recognize that even a well-optimized website can struggle to convert if its layout, copy, formatting, and design prove ineffective.

To harness the benefits of A/B testing effectively, consider engaging an SEO specialist who can assist you in:

  1. Identifying the page elements to test (e.g., headlines, CTA buttons, copy, layout, etc.).
  2. Creating different variants of your pages.
  3. Running the A/B test.
  4. Measuring and comprehensively analyzing the results.

A/B testing should be an ongoing practice, continually refining and improving your conversion rates over time.

Enhance social proof to build trust and credibility

To persuade consumers to make a purchase, compelling copy alone may not suffice. Research indicates that up to 87% of buying decisions originate from online research, with 88% of consumers placing trust in reviews as much as personal recommendations.

If your sales are dwindling despite having solid SEO, it’s possible that you’re falling short in providing the social proof that potential customers seek.

To establish trust and credibility, consider highlighting the following elements:

  1. Reviews: Embed them on product pages and prominently feature positive reviews on your homepage.
  2. Testimonials: Showcase these prominently on your landing pages, including photos, videos, and names for each testimonial.
  3. Awards and recognition: Incorporate award badges on your pages to signal that industry experts and associations endorse your business.
  4. Case studies: Display these on your website to demonstrate the results achieved for previous customers or clients.
  5. Influencer endorsements: Emphasize endorsements from celebrities or influencers, as their opinions can significantly influence prospects.

To ensure your social proof is optimized and prominently displayed on your website, consider engaging the expertise of an SEO specialist.

Work cross-teams to adjust your sales funnel

While SEO plays a vital role in driving traffic to your website, the responsibility of converting prospects falls upon your content and user experience (UX).

It’s essential to optimize your content for each stage of your sales funnel.

Keep in mind that exceptional SEO alone doesn’t guarantee increased sales and conversions.

Even with a well-optimized SEO strategy, achieving optimal sales and leads can be challenging if all the other essential components aren’t effectively in place. The strategies mentioned above can be instrumental in enhancing your conversion rates.

Original news from SearchEngineLand

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