
Anthropic Announces Free Claude AI Chatbot For Android

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Anthropic has unveiled a new Claude Android app featuring their advanced Claude 3.5 Sonnet language model. The app is offered for free with usage restrictions, as well as through paid subscription plans.

Anthropic Claude

Claude, a powerful AI chatbot, excels in advanced reasoning, real-time image analysis, and live language translation. Introduced by Anthropic in late June 2024, Claude 3.5 Sonnet represents their most sophisticated language model.

Anthropic states:

“Claude 3.5 Sonnet establishes new industry standards for intelligence, surpassing competitor models and our previous Claude 3 Opus across various metrics. It combines the speed and affordability of our mid-tier model, Claude 3 Sonnet.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet sets unprecedented benchmarks in graduate-level reasoning (GPQA), undergraduate-level knowledge (MMLU), and coding proficiency (HumanEval). It demonstrates significant enhancements in understanding nuances, humor, and complex instructions, excelling in generating high-quality content with a natural, engaging style.”

Claude By Anthropic Android App

The Claude AI chatbot app is now accessible on both iOS and Android via the Google Play store. Getting started is straightforward: simply download the app, sign up, and verify your account to begin using Claude for free. I tried it myself and was pleasantly surprised by its capability to guide me in creating a ramen recipe from scratch. A standout feature of the app is its ability to seamlessly continue conversations across different devices.

According to the official announcement, Claude is versatile in both professional and recreational contexts:

“Whether you’re drafting a business proposal during breaks, translating menus while traveling, brainstorming gift ideas while shopping, or composing a speech at the airport, Claude is your dependable companion.”

Original news from SearchEngineJournal