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Automattic For Agencies: A New Way To Monetize WordPress

Automattic, the powerhouse behind, Jetpack, WooCommerce, and other platforms, recently unveiled a fresh initiative aimed at attracting Agencies to their diverse range of products, offering enhanced opportunities to generate revenue.

While this move might appear to position Automattic in direct rivalry with closed-source platforms such as Wix and Duda, it’s essential to note the distinctive features and offerings of each product and service.

Automattic For Agencies

Automattic for Agencies consolidates various Automattic products into a unified service, featuring a centralized dashboard for efficient management of multiple client sites and billing. This program not only streamlines operations but also presents discounted pricing and revenue-sharing opportunities. Moreover, it provides comprehensive technical support across all incorporated Automattic products. Notably, agencies benefit from managed security measures and performance enhancements.

As stated in the announcement:

“We handle site performance and security concerns on your behalf. By linking your sites to the Automattic for Agencies dashboard, you’ll promptly receive notifications regarding updates and alerts, ensuring seamless site operation and client satisfaction.”

Revenue Share And Discounts

Under the new program, Agencies can now participate in a revenue-sharing model with Automattic products utilized by their clients. For instance, Agencies stand to earn a 50% revenue share on referrals of Jetpack products, including renewals. Additionally, Jetpack extends discounts on licenses, ranging from 10% off for five licenses to as high as 50% off for 100 licenses.

Similar benefits are extended to agencies involved in building or managing WooCommerce sites, including discounted agency pricing and a referral program., Automattic’s managed WordPress hosting platform, offers a 20% revenue share on new subscriptions and an enticing 50% share on migrations from other hosting providers. tweeted about their latest program:

” Attention Agencies! Exciting news alert! Our new referral program is now live. When your agency refers clients to, you’ll earn a 20% revenue share on new subscriptions and a whopping 50% on migrations from other hosting providers. Join us today! #WordPress”

New Directory For Agencies

In an upcoming feature of the Automattic For Agencies program, a business directory will be introduced, showcasing agencies participating in the program. The primary advantage of this directory is the potential for increased business referrals to these agencies.

Describing the new directory, the Jetpack announcement emphasizes:

“Enhance your visibility with multiple directory listings across various Automattic business units. This heightened exposure opens doors for potential clients to discover and engage with your services, thereby amplifying your agency’s influence and reputation.”

Similarly, the WooCommerce announcement highlights:

“Extend your outreach and visibility through partner directory listings across diverse Automattic brands.”

Automattic Affiliate Program

Following the introduction of a distinct affiliate program, the Automattic for Agencies announcement unveils lucrative referral bonuses. Affiliates stand to earn up to a remarkable 100% referral bonus for directing new hosting clients, capped at a $300 payout per item. Additionally, they can earn up to a generous 50% referral bonus for Jetpack plugin subscriptions. Notably, the program incorporates a 30-day cookie conversion period, allowing affiliates to capitalize on referral bonuses for any supplementary sales within this timeframe.

Original news from SearchEngineJournal

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