
Does AI Democratize SEO Or Amplify Incompetence?

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The emergence of generative AI has brought about substantial changes in the SEO landscape. While certain individuals or businesses have effectively integrated SEO into their daily operations, others have encountered challenges in doing so. Exploring the optimal applications of AI in SEO tasks allows us to understand its strengths, weaknesses, and how the subjective nature of SEO could potentially impact its outcomes negatively.

AI-Automated SEO

While AI excels in certain tasks such as generating meta description tags and title elements on a large scale, its effectiveness in other areas of search optimization is debatable.

AI has been employed for analyzing search engine results pages (SERPs), conducting keyword research, scoring content based on keyword usage, generating articles based on keywords, and competitive analysis, among other tasks.

However, placing trust in AI software necessitates a leap of faith regarding the understanding of SEO by its developers. The subjective nature of SEO complicates matters further, as consensus on fundamental elements like the proper utilization of title tags and headings can be elusive.

Even the concept of SERP analysis can be fraught, as its efficacy depends heavily on the expertise of the individual conducting it. For instance, some advocate for dissecting competitor content to replicate and improve upon their successful strategies, a tactic that paradoxically challenges originality.

It’s evident that enhancing something by creating a superior replica is a logical fallacy. Yet, this is the foundational premise of the Skyscraper Content Tactic, which ironically mimics the 10X Content Tactic and is favored by SEO novices. Astonishingly, this flawed approach lies at the core of how certain AI tools execute SERP analysis.

Undoubtedly, some AI tools can exacerbate the lack of experience among both their creators and users.

Julia McCoy, President of Content at Scale (LinkedIn), concurs with this viewpoint:

“AI represents an extraordinary leap forward in technological advancement over the past two centuries.

We’ve witnessed a proliferation of AI tools tailored for content optimization or even content generation, promising remarkable efficiencies. These tools can streamline processes, provide intricate insights for optimization and ranking enhancements, and even produce entire articles almost ready for publication.

However, it’s imperative to understand how to leverage them effectively and to discern their creators.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that no tool can instantly transform an amateur into an expert. Just as Malcolm Gladwell’s expertise stems from years of dedicated practice—not from a tool suddenly landing in his lap—the journey from novice to seasoned professional requires time, hands-on experience, and a profound understanding of the industry.

While AI has democratized access to advanced techniques, making sophisticated strategies more attainable, it cannot impart wisdom or insight where none exists. It augments capabilities but also magnifies shortcomings. We must remember that human intuition is complemented by technology, not supplanted by it.”

AI Amplifies The User’s SEO Skill

Why do some individuals find success with AI while others struggle? In my view, AI functions merely as a tool, akin to a paintbrush. The true talent and expertise lie within the individual, not within the tool itself.

A novice SEO might approach webpage analysis by simply extracting keywords from the content, headings, and title tags. Conversely, a seasoned SEO will delve deeper into analyzing the webpage by understanding the questions it addresses.

The significance of skill and experience becomes apparent in AI image generation, where certain users produce remarkably lifelike artwork, while others create images featuring individuals with seven fingers on each hand.

Does AI Democratize SEO?

There’s a notion that AI could enable an SEO novice to match the performance of someone with decades of experience, but as Julia previously indicated, that’s not the current reality of AI.

To gain insights into AI’s potential for democratizing SEO, I consulted Brenda Malone, a seasoned SEO Technical Strategist and Web Developer (LinkedIn).

Brenda shared her perspective:

“I don’t believe AI will completely democratize the current landscape of SEO. The proliferation of AI SaaS tools may overwhelm inexperienced SEO professionals while further empowering seasoned experts who can leverage specific AI tools to conduct more nuanced human analyses.

In the short term, I anticipate AI will reduce the demand for professionals in the field, as much of the data gathering process becomes automated.

Existing SEO professionals need to embrace AI rather than resist it. They should explore how AI can streamline SEO-related tasks and develop specialized analytical skills, as the days of relying solely on meta and title tags for ranking are numbered.”

AI’s capacity to enhance efficiency is undeniable. For instance, it excels at deep data analysis and can effortlessly handle tedious tasks like data analysis and generating concise summaries for presentations.


Generative AI, such as ChatGPT and Claude, holds significant potential for revolutionizing SEO practices, streamlining workflows, and expanding possibilities in the field. Nonetheless, its effectiveness also accentuates the proficiency levels of its users. Seasoned SEO practitioners can harness generative AI to elevate their strategies, whereas novices may not fully exploit its capabilities, although they could still find value in SaaS tools, contingent upon the expertise of the tool’s developers.

Generative AI augments the SEO prowess and experience of its users, potentially enhancing their effectiveness in the field. However, its adoption may not necessarily democratize SEO practices, as proficiency disparities among users persist. Nevertheless, SaaS AI tools can serve as valuable resources for newcomers to SEO, provided that the background and skills of the tool’s creators are thoroughly evaluated.

It’s imperative to scrutinize the founders and developers behind SaaS SEO tools to gauge their expertise and proficiency levels accurately. As AI continues to shape the future of SEO, embracing its advancements is crucial, rather than resisting progress out of fear or reluctance—after all, being resistant to technological evolution would be akin to embracing Luddism.

Original news from SearchEngineJournal