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Google Ads Revamps Query Matching: What You Need to Know

Google Ads has unveiled several updates aimed at altering the way search queries are matched and how advertisers manage brand-related traffic.

These updates are scheduled to be gradually implemented in the coming months and will impact different facets of campaign management and reporting.

Google states that these adjustments are part of its continuous endeavor to enhance ad performance using AI technology.

According to the company, recent enhancements powered by AI have resulted in a 10% increase in performance for advertisers utilizing Smart Bidding with broad match.

4 Updates To Google Ads

1. Search Term Reporting

Google is introducing a change where misspelled search queries will be grouped together with their correctly spelled counterparts in search term reports.

This adjustment is expected to uncover an average of 9% more search terms that were previously categorized under “Other” due to privacy thresholds, according to the company.

2. Negative Keyword Functionality

Google Ads is implementing a new feature where it will automatically block misspellings of words that have been added as negative keywords. This change aims to reduce the amount of manual effort needed to manage these lists effectively.

3. Brand Inclusions For Broad Match

Google Ads is rolling out a new feature called “brand inclusions” for broad match campaigns. This feature enables advertisers to restrict their ads to appear only for queries that are associated with specific brand names.

4. Brand Exclusions Expansion

Brand exclusions, previously exclusive to Performance Max campaigns, will now extend to all match types and Dynamic Search Ads.

Why SEJ Cares

The enhanced visibility into search terms and streamlined management of misspellings tackle longstanding challenges.

Simultaneously, the new brand controls provide more sophisticated options for targeting or avoiding brand-related traffic, potentially optimizing ad spending efficiency.

How This Can Help You

The full impact of these updates on ad performance, costs, and campaign management will likely become more evident in the months ahead.

Original news from SearchEngineJournal

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