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Google Defends Lack Of Communication Around Search Updates

While Google openly shares details regarding broad core algorithm updates, it refrains from announcing every minor adjustment or tweak, as stated by Google’s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan.

These remarks came in response to Glenn Gabe’s inquiry about why Google doesn’t disclose information regarding fluctuations following the March core update.

Gabe expressed:

“…when site owners believe a major update has concluded, they are not anticipating significant volatility that sometimes entirely contradicts the outcomes of the major update. The impact from whatever occurred on 5/3 and now 5/8 into 5/9 has been substantial.”

Sullivan clarified that Google consistently enhances its search ranking systems, implementing approximately 5,000 updates annually across various algorithms and components.

Sullivan mentions that many of these updates consist of minor adjustments that may not be readily noticeable:

“If we were to announce every single ranking system update, it would be akin to this:

Hi. It’s 1:14 pm — we’ve just implemented an update to system 112!
Hi. It’s 2:26 pm — we’ve just implemented an update to system 34!

This is because we conduct approximately 5,000 updates annually.”

Although Google may perceive these changes as minor, the accumulation of thousands of such tweaks can result in substantial fluctuations in rankings and traffic, necessitating assistance for website owners to comprehend.

Enhanced transparency from Google could significantly benefit the online community.

Ongoing Shifts From Web Changes

In addition to algorithmic adjustments, Sullivan highlighted that fluctuations in search results can also stem from the dynamic nature of web content.

Google’s ranking systems continuously analyze new information, Sullivan elaborated:

“…existing systems aren’t undergoing fundamental updates in their operations. However, the data they process isn’t static; it’s constantly evolving.”

Google prioritizes communication regarding major updates over inundating users with notifications about every minor change.

Sullivan elaborated:

“This constant barrage of ‘we’ve made an update’ notifications likely isn’t particularly beneficial to content creators. There’s often nothing actionable to take with such updates.”

Why SEJ Cares

Recognizing that Google Search is an ever-evolving platform is crucial for businesses and publishers dependent on search traffic.

This underscores the importance of maintaining a long-term SEO strategy centered on providing high-quality, pertinent content, rather than merely reacting to specific algorithmic shifts.

Nevertheless, we acknowledge that Google’s method of announcing updates can sometimes leave businesses feeling overwhelmed as they strive to adapt to ranking fluctuations.

Therefore, gaining further insight into these changes would undoubtedly be beneficial for many stakeholders.

How This Can Help You

Recognizing that Google continuously processes new information alongside algorithmic changes can help set more realistic expectations following core updates.

Rather than expecting immediate stability after a major update, it’s wise to anticipate fluctuations as Google’s systems adjust to the evolving landscape of web data.

Original news from SearchEngineJournal

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