
Google Launches New ‘Saved Comparisons’ Feature For Analytics

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Google has introduced a new Analytics tool aimed at streamlining data comparisons.

Dubbed the ‘saved comparisons’ feature, it empowers users to preserve filtered data segments for swift side-by-side analysis.

In an official announcement, Google expressed, “We’re rolling out saved comparisons to optimize your time spent comparing user bases that matter to you. Discover how to achieve this without the need to recreate comparisons every time!”

The announcement includes a link to a help page detailing various benefits and use cases:

“Comparisons enable the evaluation of subsets of data in parallel. For instance, you can juxtapose data from Android devices with that from iOS devices.”

“In Google Analytics 4, comparisons supersede segments in Universal Analytics.”

Saved Comparisons: How They Work

The latest comparisons tool empowers users to craft tailored filtered perspectives of Google Analytics data, leveraging dimensions such as platform, country, traffic source, and custom audiences.

These dimensions offer flexibility, allowing the incorporation of multiple conditions through logic operators.

For instance, users can create comparisons that segregate “Android OR iOS” traffic from web traffic. Alternatively, they can merge location data such as “Country = Argentina OR Japan” with platform filters.

These customized comparison views can be stored at the property level within Analytics.

Users with appropriate access privileges can swiftly apply saved comparisons to any report, streamlining analysis without the need to reconstruct filters.

According to Google’s documentation:

“As an administrator or editor… you have the ability to save comparisons to your Google Analytics 4 property. Saved comparisons empower you and other authorized users to compare the desired user bases without the hassle of recreating the comparisons each time.”

Rollout & Limitations

The gradual rollout of the saved comparisons feature is currently underway. Each property has a limit of 200 saved comparisons.

For more sophisticated filtering requirements, like sequences of user events, Google suggests creating a custom audience initially and then saving a comparison based on that audience definition.

Certain reports might not be compatible if they lack the filtered dimensions utilized in a saved comparison. In such instances, the documentation advises opting for alternative dimensions or conditions for that particular report type.

Why SEJ Cares

The introduction of saved comparisons streamlines a laborious aspect of analytics endeavors.

Analyzing data necessitates examining it from various perspectives, such as device type, location, and traffic source. Manually reconstructing these filtered comparisons for every report can impede efficiency.

In an environment where data teams face time constraints, any innovation that simplifies routine tasks is warmly embraced.

How This Can Help You

Saved comparisons offer a respite from the repetitive task of recreating filters, freeing up valuable time for impactful analysis. Here’s how this enhancement could elevate your work:

  1. Time Savings: By sidestepping the need for continual recreation of filters for common comparisons—like mobile versus desktop, traffic sources, and geo-locations—you’ll reclaim precious time.
  2. Collaborative Analysis: Share saved comparisons with colleagues to ensure consistent analysis views across the board.
  3. Effortless Navigation: Seamlessly switch between comprehensive views and isolated comparisons with a single click, enhancing your analytical agility.
  4. Granular Insights: Dive deep into conversions, engagement metrics, audience origins, and more by leveraging your saved user segments.
  5. Targeted Segmentation: Employ thoughtfully combined conditions to unveil specific segments, such as paid traffic for a particular product or location.

While the introduction of saved comparisons in Google Analytics may appear modest, the streamlining of workflows and reduction in time spent on mundane tasks can lead to significant productivity gains.

Original news from SearchEngineJournal