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Google Simplifies Adding Shipping & Return Policies For Online Stores

Google has introduced a new capability that enables online stores to oversee their shipping and return policies directly via Search Console.

This enhancement streamlines the process of delivering essential information to customers, which could potentially enhance retailers’ visibility and increase sales.

Addressing Consumer Priorities

Recent trends show that consumers value clear pricing information when shopping online. Factors like shipping fees, delivery times, and return policies significantly influence their purchasing decisions.

In response to this trend, Google has streamlined the process for stores to convey these important details to customers.

New Search Console Integration

Setting up shipping and return details directly in Google Search Console simplifies the process, eliminating the need for intricate markup on every product page.

This update is particularly beneficial for merchants who struggled with the previous setup.

Key Features:

Potential Benefits For Merchants

Online retailers can optimize their product listings on Google Search by ensuring they provide clear and current shipping and return details.

This enhancement can potentially boost visibility and attract more traffic, especially by showcasing features such as free and expedited shipping options alongside product specifics.

How To Implement

Google has introduced a streamlined method for incorporating and managing shipping and return policies through Search Console.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Accessing the Feature

    2. Adding Shipping Policies

      3. Adding Return Policies

        4. Editing or Deleting Policies

          5. Important Notes

            What Does This Mean?

            Google’s latest tool for displaying shipping and return information has the potential to impact the ecommerce experience in multiple ways.

            Original news from SearchEngineJournal

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