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How To Develop Great Data Studies – The 5R2 Roadmap To Great Data Story

This excerpt has been adapted from “Data Storytelling in Marketing” by Caroline Florence ©2024 and is used with permission from Kogan Page Ltd.

Part One of this book explained the importance of data storytelling, highlighted its advantages for marketing, and identified common obstacles to crafting compelling data narratives.

Part Two addresses the practical steps needed to create effective data stories.

The 5R2 roadmap consists of five critical stages, each aimed at achieving specific outcomes, supported by three actionable steps for each stage.


A compelling data story should prioritize the audience’s knowledge, needs, and preferences. It should encompass:

Crafting a pertinent story demands strategic planning skills to outline the storyline effectively.

This stage offers numerous advantages, such as:


A strong data story must withstand rigorous examination and should encompass:

Crafting a robust story necessitates proficient analysis skills to unearth and highlight key insights.

This stage offers several advantages, including:


A polished data story should present a coherent and persuasive narrative, incorporating:

Creating a refined story demands analytical thinking skills to ensure clarity and engagement.

This stage offers several advantages, including:


To craft a compelling data story that resonates, it’s essential to imbue the insight message with emotional depth, incorporating:

Creating a relatable story necessitates emotional intelligence to weave a narrative grounded in real-life experiences and enriched by human perspectives.

This approach offers several benefits, including:


To create a compelling data story that stands out and inspires action, it should incorporate:

Crafting a remarkable story requires creative thinking and a touch of flair to ensure it cuts through the noise and motivates action.

This approach offers several advantages:

Original news from SearchEngineJournal

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