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How To Leverage Trust To Boost Your International Expansion

E-A-T, comprising Experience, Authority, and Expertise, is a blend of factors crucial for Google’s assessment of content relevance and utility, influencing its search result rankings.

Our recent articles have explored leveraging Experience, Authority, and Expertise to enhance international business strategies. However, there remains a vital aspect within the E-A-T framework: Trust. Despite being the final element discussed, Trust holds immense significance.

According to Google’s search quality rater guidelines, Trust is pivotal. It evaluates the accuracy, honesty, safety, and reliability of a page, placing it at the core of E-A-T. Regardless of a website’s experience, expertise, or authority, lacking Trust results in lower E-A-T.

Demonstrating trustworthiness is especially critical for “Your Money or Your Life” (YMYL) topics, which can profoundly affect individuals’ or society’s health, finances, safety, security, knowledge, or overall well-being.

When devising international strategies, leveraging E-A-T becomes essential to enhance our global footprint and establish credibility with users worldwide, particularly in demonstrating honesty and reliability.

Let’s explore specific actions that can be implemented to achieve these international goals effectively.

How To Show Trust To Users From All Around The World

Accessibility And Usability

One of the initial steps in expanding product or service sales internationally is to ensure that users in each region can access the website seamlessly.

This entails ensuring the website is fast, secure, displays correctly, and is user-friendly. It should enable users to easily search for relevant information and make purchases without difficulty.

International Brand Name

In addition to ensuring website accessibility, it is crucial to make the brand easily discoverable by consumers.

Whenever feasible, having an “international” brand or domain name that is simple to remember, spell, and search for online can significantly enhance visibility for users across different countries, regardless of their native language.

Localization: The Key Element To Show Trust

Localization plays a fundamental role in establishing credibility and trustworthiness with users from diverse regions worldwide. Each country, language, or region has its unique characteristics and preferences.

Attempting to market our product using identical messages and strategies across all target markets will not instill enough confidence for users to perceive us as the most knowledgeable, experienced, and authoritative website in our sector. Therefore, adapting content and strategies to cater specifically to each target market is essential.

When aiming to sell internationally, it is crucial to:

For instance, when searching for keywords like “Tió de Nadal” or “Caga Tió” – both referring to a local Christmas tradition in Catalonia, Spain – the results and the messaging strategy need to resonate with local users.

In Catalonia, where the tradition is widely recognized, such searches often serve both informational and transactional purposes.

Conversely, searching for these terms in the United States would typically serve a more informational purpose. Since this tradition is less familiar there, users are likely seeking detailed information about the custom before considering any transactions.

Therefore, content targeting Catalonia would be more transactional and familiar, whereas content for the United States would focus more on providing comprehensive descriptions of the tradition.

For these reasons, it is crucial to geolocate content in each region to instill sufficient confidence in potential customers.

Transmit That You Are The Safest Site

Selling internationally can be challenging if the website fails to convey sufficient security measures. It’s crucial to ensure that users trust the site’s security when purchasing products, especially since they can’t physically address legal claims or reimbursements. Clear and precise communication regarding payment methods and shipping is essential to establish reliability, safety, and trustworthiness with users.

To accomplish this, it’s highly advisable to:

Tell Who You Are With A Detailed “About Us” Page

For businesses targeting local markets, clearly defining their identity is crucial. However, when expanding to international markets, this becomes imperative. It’s important to recognize that potential customers may lack familiarity with our company, the products we offer, or our brand identity.

Therefore, it’s essential to develop a comprehensive “About Us” page that covers:

Reliable Customer Service

Ultimately, to inspire international customers to purchase products or services from a website, it’s crucial to showcase reliable customer service and emphasize the presence of real people behind the platform.

To demonstrate reliable customer service on a website, consider the following actions:

Link To Other Platforms And Sites

Lastly, another strategy to establish trust with global users is to demonstrate our presence on various social networks and showcase how others perceive us. Here’s how we can achieve this:

Leverage Trust To Boost International Strategies

Trust holds significant importance not only for YMYL (Your Money Your Life) topics but also extends to other sectors, especially in international sales contexts. Demonstrating accuracy, honesty, safety, and reliability is crucial for building trust with global users. Equally important is showcasing our experience, authority, and expertise in our sector, products, and services.

Original news from SearchEngineJournal

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