
Reddit Subreddits To Google Search: Maximizing Your Brand’s Impact [Webinar Recap]

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I recently hosted a webinar where we delved into Reddit: its evolution, impact on search results, and its growing influence as a community. It’s been some time since I last explored Reddit as a topic, but my enthusiasm for it remains strong—I believe it’s one of the most influential communities today.

If you couldn’t attend the webinar and are interested in watching it, you can catch the on-demand recording here: “From Subreddits to Search: Maximizing Your Brand’s Impact on Reddit.”

Now, let’s recap the main points we discussed during the session.

The Current State Of Reddit

Reddit has experienced remarkable growth recently, as evidenced by the following statistics:

  • 83 million daily unique visits
  • An average of 306 million weekly visits
  • A user base of 500 million

Reddit’s year-over-year growth rate of 37% is exceptional, and its international presence has grown to 50%, showcasing significant global expansion.

Why Reddit Has Become So Influential

Reddit’s success stems from its solution to a significant issue: the overwhelming presence of low-quality content across the internet.

As traditional search methods become less effective, users increasingly crave reliable, conversational responses. Reddit addresses this need by offering authentic, user-generated content that has gained such trust among searchers that they often append “[reddit]” to their queries to prioritize Reddit results.

Recognizing Reddit’s influence, Google has integrated it more prominently into search results following its 2022 update focused on enhancing helpful content.

The strategic partnerships between Reddit, Google, and OpenAI underscore Reddit’s value. For instance, Google’s $60 million agreement includes real-time content access and the use of Reddit data to train future AI models.

Tips For Having Success On Reddit

1. Understand The Platform

Reddit diverges from typical social media by functioning primarily as a content-sharing platform.

Understanding this core distinction is key to navigating and thriving on Reddit. Unlike conventional social media, Reddit revolves around user-generated subreddits—distinct communities where content is shared and discussed.

Each subreddit possesses its own distinct tone, culture, and regulations. Rather than viewing them as mere categories within a larger community, think of subreddits as independent communities in their own right.

Given the unique identity of each subreddit, success hinges on adapting your approach to align with the specific norms and expectations of each community.

On Reddit, the emphasis is squarely on topics rather than individuals. Therefore, traditional influencer marketing strategies from other platforms often require significant adaptation to resonate effectively here.

While notable figures such as Bill Gates are active participants, their contributions and the topics they engage with take precedence over their personal brands. This focus on topics distinguishes Reddit from other social media platforms.

Anonymity plays a central role on Reddit, encouraging users to express themselves candidly and openly.

This anonymity fosters unrestricted discussion, exemplified in subreddits like “/r/AmItheAsshole,” where users seek impartial opinions on personal matters. Appreciating and respecting this anonymity is crucial for genuine engagement within the Reddit community.

It’s important to differentiate between moderators and admins on Reddit. Moderators are regular users who oversee specific subreddits, while admins are employees of Reddit itself.

It’s important to avoid confusion between moderators and admins, as they hold different powers and responsibilities. Recognizing this distinction is key to effectively managing issues and interactions within the platform.

A solid grasp of these fundamental aspects of Reddit is essential for creating a positive impact and achieving goals on the platform.

Missteps can easily sidetrack your efforts, but by approaching Reddit with the right mindset, you can leverage its unique features for valuable content sharing and community participation.

2. Avoid Spamming

Avoiding spam on Reddit requires understanding and avoiding behaviors that might be seen as spammy.

Respecting and adhering to community guidelines is crucial for maintaining a positive presence on the platform.

Spam can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Posting irrelevant content.
  • Submitting posts too frequently, even if they are high-quality.
  • Cross-posting the same content across multiple subreddits.
  • Attempting to circumvent subreddit rules (e.g., using redirects for prohibited links).
  • Failing to engage in discussions through comments.
  • Overly promoting oneself or one’s content.

Each subreddit typically outlines its specific rules and definitions of spam in the sidebar, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with these guidelines and adhere to them accordingly.

Furthermore, Reddit consistently improves its spam prevention tactics, making it more challenging to manipulate the platform. Key advancements include:

  • AutoMod: Automated scripts that moderate submissions based on factors such as account history and karma.
  • Contributor Quality Tiers: Evaluating users based on their activity and credibility.
  • Ban Evasion Filters: Utilizing AI to detect and block attempts by banned users to create new accounts.

These ongoing enhancements aim to enhance the community’s experience by minimizing spam and promoting authentic interaction.

Trying to manipulate the system is discouraged, as these advancements make such efforts increasingly ineffective and counterproductive in achieving positive outcomes.

3. Become A Redditor And Build Karma

To engage authentically on Reddit, begin by actively commenting and joining discussions before initiating your own posts. This approach allows you to accumulate karma and grasp the dynamics of various communities.

Establishing a presence on Reddit starts with active participation in communities aligned with your interests, whether it’s cultivating peppers or discussing “Rick and Morty.”

This engagement provides insights into Reddit’s distinct features, language, and community standards. Through active participation, you can start accruing karma—a reputation metric based on upvotes and downvotes.

Although karma simplifies your acceptance on Reddit, it plays a crucial role in unlocking privileges and ensuring your posts aren’t obscured by automated moderation filters.

Focus on participating in subreddits with lenient posting rules to accumulate karma effortlessly. For example, sharing adorable cat photos in a cat-themed subreddit or providing helpful advice in a Q&A subreddit can increase your upvotes and interactions.

However, it’s essential to approach this process organically and avoid attempting to manipulate the system. Engaging inauthentically can result in penalties such as bans and negative karma.

Before venturing into posting your own content, prioritize engaging through comments on existing posts. Commenting helps integrate you into the community and provides insights into what types of content resonate with users. Concentrate on contributing to “rising” posts—threads likely to gain significant visibility— to enhance your exposure and karma.

This strategic approach ensures your comments receive more visibility as the post gains traction.

Starting with comments also provides valuable insights into the community’s interests and perspectives, helping you refine future submissions to better connect with your audience.

Commenting allows you to learn and experiment within the Reddit community without immediately putting your own content under scrutiny.

It’s important to invest time in crafting thoughtful and sincere comments, as Reddit users appreciate genuine engagement.

Even as a brand, maintaining a personable tone can positively influence perceptions, as demonstrated by successful campaigns such as the one we conducted for TikTok.

By prioritizing the accumulation of karma through comments and gaining a deeper understanding of community dynamics, you lay a solid groundwork for successful content contributions in the future.

4. Choose Your Subreddits Carefully

When you’re ready to share content on Reddit, the initial step is to pinpoint subreddits that align with your interests and objectives.

Utilize Reddit’s search feature to discover relevant subreddits. You can narrow down results by specifying domains using “” to locate discussions related to your content or similar topics.

This approach helps gauge which subreddits generate positive engagement around your themes. Additionally, research your competitors to identify where they are active and successful.

Seek out subreddits that cater to user journeys and inquiries relevant to your content, ensuring they align with your chosen topics.

Once potential subreddits are identified, assess their activity levels. Take note of the membership count and current active users to ensure the subreddit is vibrant and actively engaged.

When choosing subreddits to engage with, prioritize active communities over those with inflated, inactive memberships, as a large member count doesn’t always correlate with high engagement.

Carefully review the rules of each subreddit. If these rules don’t align with your content goals—such as restrictions on link submissions—consider finding a more suitable subreddit. Attempting to circumvent rules will likely hinder your efforts.

Pay attention to the tone and interaction style of the subreddit moderators. Understanding their preferences and behaviors can offer valuable insights into how your posts might be received.

Given that moderators play a pivotal role in approving or removing content, aligning with their expectations increases the likelihood of your success.

Lastly, gauge the overall sentiment and discussions surrounding your topics within the subreddit. Even if a subreddit covers relevant subjects, the community’s opinions may vary.

It’s crucial to be aware of these subtleties to ensure your content resonates positively with the audience. By meticulously selecting and evaluating subreddits, you can effectively position your content for optimal engagement and success.

5. Create Your Own Subreddit

Having a dedicated subreddit can offer significant benefits for brands. It enables you to shape the conversation and facilitate deep discussions that address customer issues while boosting visibility in search engines and AI algorithms.

Choosing experienced moderators is vital. They should grasp Reddit’s community norms and manage interactions with professionalism, avoiding confrontations or defensiveness that could provoke negative reactions.

Setting clear guidelines and utilizing automated moderation tools are essential for efficiently overseeing your subreddit. This ensures a constructive environment even during periods when you’re offline.

Welcome critical feedback and engage thoughtfully instead of deleting negative posts or banning users. Communities value sincere interaction and can discern between genuine criticism and trolling.

Respond with empathy and relatability to transform potential conflicts into positive engagements. Approach every interaction as if you’re a Redditor advocating for your company’s presence on Reddit, emphasizing genuine and supportive communication. This approach can greatly bolster your brand’s standing on the platform.

6. Post The Right Content That Adds Value

After identifying the appropriate subreddit and selecting where to share your content, prioritize delivering value to the community.

Conduct thorough research to grasp the most relevant topics and opportunities to contribute your expertise effectively. This approach ensures meaningful engagement and strengthens your brand presence.

Contribute to ongoing discussions by providing solutions or insights that enrich the dialogue with your brand’s unique perspective. Analyzing top-performing content from the past year within your chosen subreddit can offer valuable insights into successful topics and community interests.

Take note of standout users and comments to gauge effective strategies and anticipate responses.

Engage with moderators by familiarizing yourself with their posts and preferences. Establishing a good relationship with moderators can significantly impact the success of your content, as they play a pivotal role in approving and promoting submissions.

Always prioritize the interests of subreddit members. While you have the liberty to post freely, catering to the community’s preferences will lead to greater success.

Avoid the urge to spam or excessively promote your content. Focus instead on delivering genuine value to the community.

Consider the broader implications for search engines and AI. Reddit has a substantial impact on search results, and its content is increasingly utilized for training AI models.

Select content that enhances your brand’s visibility and reputation, ensuring it aligns with your desired brand image and product perception. This thoughtful strategy will optimize your impact and effectiveness on Reddit.

7. Post At The Right Time

Timing plays a crucial role in gaining initial engagement on Reddit. Typically, content peaks within the first 24 hours, though exceptionally popular posts may stay visible longer. After this initial period, there is usually a rapid decline in visibility, making those initial votes pivotal for boosting your post’s reach.

It’s important to avoid manipulating the system by creating multiple accounts to upvote your own content. This can result in bans and harm your credibility. Instead, focus on generating organic engagement to earn those critical initial votes.

To enhance your post’s visibility, consider using analytics tools to determine the optimal posting times for your specific subreddit. Generally, posting between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Eastern Time tends to be effective, as it captures a full day of high activity, encompassing both domestic and international users.

8. Stay Engaged After You Submit

After posting on Reddit, it’s essential to remain actively involved. Monitor your post closely throughout its entire 24-hour lifespan.

Engage with comments by voting and responding thoughtfully. Upvote sincere contributions and downvote trolls or low-quality comments to maintain a conducive discussion environment.

Interact with commenters in a non-defensive manner, though you don’t need to reply to every single comment.

Approach interactions naturally, adhering to common social norms. The objective is to cultivate a positive and productive conversation, thereby strengthening your Reddit presence.

Reddit Is An Invaluable Platform If You Invest The Time And Effort

Breaking into Reddit can be challenging, requiring dedication and often years of experience. However, Reddit’s community-centric approach and genuine content make it a valuable platform for marketers who invest the necessary time and effort.

Whether you’re participating in established subreddits, creating your own communities, or running advertisements, Reddit presents distinct opportunities for forging meaningful connections and impactful marketing campaigns.

Thank you to everyone who attended the webinar. It was a pleasure discussing Reddit once more. If you have any questions or need assistance in enhancing your brand’s presence on Reddit, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Original news from SearchEngineJournal